WG1: Synthesis

Short description: Coordination, stakeholder dialogue, review end user needs, guide the simulation of improved scenarios.

An assessment of end user needs and an inventory of downscaling methods and validation measures will be carried out. An initial assessment of end user needs (Maraun et al., Rev. Geophys., 2010) has identified requirements including a reliable representation of magnitudes such as extreme events, spatial and temporal variability including sub-daily variability, and consistency between different downscaled variables. WG1 will extend this assessment. Questionnaires will be sent to stakeholders and a stakeholder conference will be held. It will also be assessed which meteorological variables apart from temperature and precipitation (e.g., wind speed, sunshine duration) are relevant for climate change impact studies.

Year 1-4

Coordinators: Ole Roessler
Members: Webmaster, Douglas Maraun, Sven Kotlarski, Elke Hertig, Rasmus E. Benestad, Joanna Wibig, José M. Gutiérrez, Ole Roessler, Heike Huebener, jun-ichi yano, Jaime Ribalaygua, Matthias Themeßl, Diamando Vlachogiannis, Hayley Fowler, Hideki Kanamaru, Ana Monteiro, Andreas Gobiet, Kristina Potocki, Peter Szabo, paul Christodoulides, Georgios Florides, Jana Sillmann, Robertas Alzbutas, Fredrik Boberg