WG1: Synthesis
An assessment of end user needs and an inventory of downscaling methods and validation measures will be carried out. An initial assessment of end user needs (Maraun et al., Rev. Geophys., 2010) has identified requirements including a reliable representation of magnitudes such as extreme events, spatial and temporal variability including sub-daily variability, and consistency between different downscaled variables. WG1 will extend this assessment. Questionnaires will be sent to stakeholders and a stakeholder conference will be held. It will also be assessed which meteorological variables apart from temperature and precipitation (e.g., wind speed, sunshine duration) are relevant for climate change impact studies.
Year 1-4
- T12: Identify key problems related to downscaling methods and future directions of research
- T13: Compile a list of possible approaches to solve the key problems including a list of required expertise and corresponding experts
- T15: Compile guidelines on state-of-the-art downscaling methods
- T16: Guiding the application of downscaling methods
- T18: Compilation of general guidelines on downscaling products
- T19: Dissemination
- T1: Start dialogue with end users, prepare questionnaire for end users.
- T2: Assess end user needs; compile guidelines of end user needs for downscaling researchers
- T3: Inventory of existing downscaling methods; literature review of methods, limitations and possibly existing validation studies
- D1: Initial assessment of end user requirements regarding downscaling products
- D2: Inventory of downscaling methods, validation studies and gaps of knowledge
- D4: A set of validation measures for the different aspects addressed
- D5: Validation results (publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, including a special issue)
- D6: 21st century scenarios for regional climate change in Europe, simulated within existing projects coordinated by VALUE, based on the best performing methods and tailored to specific end user needs
- D7: Tailored guidelines for downscaling scientists and end-users (scientific and non-scientific) on suitable downscaling methods for different purposes