How to contribute (and register) to the validation experiments
The VALUE validation experiments are open for participation to both VALUE and non-VALUE members. Thus, all downscaling groups interested in validating and intercomparing their methods are encouraged to participate in the different periodic calls of validation experiments (check the experimental framework and the deadlines for participation in intercomparison publications here).
The main tool for participation is the VALUE validation portal, which allows uploading the downscaled data (and metadata) for a particular experiment. The portal computes and displays the different validation indices and performance measures (the verification indices have been implemented as an R package by the VALUE community and is available in GitHub R_VALUE) and allows the publication (under creative common BY license) of the obtained data and results.
VALUE Members
Current VALUE members don't need to register and can use their user accounts to login to the VALUE validation portal.
Non-VALUE Participants
External contributors need to register selecting the option "external contributor". The registration process is supervised and the approval is typically done within the next few hours.