Apply for an STSM

Shortcut to potential STSM topics

What is an STSM?

Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are inter-laboratory exchange visits. They are particularly suited for researchers in the early stage of their career (master students, PhD students, postdocs) and offer an opportunity to visit a host institution in another COST country to foster collaboration and learn and apply new techniques and methods.

Current call

The current VALUE STSM call can be found here and covers STSMs to be carried out in 2015. The call is an open call (no deadline) and applicants are welcome to hand in proposals for STSMs at any time.

2nd STSM call 2013

Who can apply?

Anyone who intends to pursue a research topic related to the objectives of VALUE (see here) can apply for an STSM. Some propositions for potential topics can be found below. Applicants do not have to be members of VALUE. However, both the home and the host country have to particpate in VALUE (see here for a list of participating countries) and either the home or the host institution (or both) have to be represented in one (or several) VALUE working group(s). Applications of Early Stage Researchers (PhD + 8 years) are particularly encouraged.

What is the length of an STSM?

STSMs need to have a minimum duration of one week and a maximum duration of three months (Early Stage Researchers: maximum duration of 6 months).

How much funding is provided?

Approved STSMs will be funded with a maximum of 2500 € (Early Stage Researchers in STSMs longer than 3 months: maximum of 3500 €), consisting of a daily allowance (maximum 90 €/day) and a travel grant (maximum 300 €). The costs should be advanced by the home institution of the applicant. The final STSM grant will be released upon completion of the STSM and submission of a scientific report.

How to apply?

Applications can be submitted at any time as a single PDF file to Tobias Sauter and Douglas Maraun and will be reviewed at the end of each month by the VALUE Steering Group. Please see the current call for details on the required information you have to provide in your application.


In case of any further questions on VALUE STSMs please contact the current STSM coordinator Tobias Sauter.

Potential topics

In case you'd like to host an STSM and propose a topic, please send a brief notice to Tobias Sauter providing a brief summary of the proposed research topic and indicating the preferred length and the preferred start date of the STSM.

See also our data base of potential topics.

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