WG3: Downscaling
Short description: Spatial and temporal variability and inter-variable relationships
(year 1-4) Review, validate and improve methods to downscale spatial and temporal variability.
Webmaster, Douglas Maraun, Sven Kotlarski, Elke Hertig, Rasmus E. Benestad, Joanna Wibig, Martin Widmann, Radan Huth, José M. Gutiérrez, Neyko M. Neykov, Gabriella Szepszo, jun-ichi yano, Lino Sant, Jaime Ribalaygua, Andreas Fischer, Maria Jesus Casado, Denise Keller, Diamando Vlachogiannis, Valentina Pavan, Adam Jaczewski, Christian Pagé, Thomas Bosshard, Judit Bartholy, Ileana Mares, Bojan Srdjevic, Stefan Hagemann, Malaak Kallache, Ida Scheel, Renate Wilcke, Hayley Fowler, Mihaela Mihailescu, Ana Monteiro, Noel Aquilina, Jorge Batlle-Sales, Andreas Philipp, Rita Margarida Cardoso, Rodica Tomozeiu, Eleni Katragkou, paul Christodoulides, Frank Kreienkamp
- T14: Compile a software package
- T4: Compile validation measures to assess downscaling skill; compile guidelines for downscaling validation
- T6: Compile pseudo reality; upload pseudo reality to website
- T7: Upload validation software
- T8: Carry out validation for spatial variability and temporal variability for daily to decadal time scales using benchmark data set
- T9: Carry out validation for long time scales using pseudo reality
- D2: Inventory of downscaling methods, validation studies and gaps of knowledge
- D4: A set of validation measures for the different aspects addressed
- D5: Validation results (publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals, including a special issue)
- D6: 21st century scenarios for regional climate change in Europe, simulated within existing projects coordinated by VALUE, based on the best performing methods and tailored to specific end user needs
- D7: Tailored guidelines for downscaling scientists and end-users (scientific and non-scientific) on suitable downscaling methods for different purposes