VALUE Datasets

Available datasets: 

Description: To enable a fair comparison that reveals relative strengths and weaknesses of different methods, the selected validation data for Experiment 1a has been defined considering 86 locations in Europe spanning different climatic regions. Further experiments will also consider gridded data (compliant with the EURO-CORDEX grids). To keep the exercise as open as possible, the data is restricted to publicly available datsets either on the VALUE website itself, or –after registration– on the web-page of the respective weather service. More details on the observational and gridded datasets are given in the links below:

The following datasets are ASCII files containing daily information [description of data format]:

  1. ECA&D local observations recipitation and temperatures (mean, minimum and maximum) for 86 locations in Europe representative of the different climatic and orographic gradients.
    * (17/4/2015)

    This dataset is used for Experiment 1a. Previous versions and detailed 
    information of the changes (outliers and inconsistencies) are available in the  observational station data page. See the Info.txt file in the datset for further details.
    * (23/12/2015):
    Subset of VALUE_ECA_86 including twelve stations in Germany with daily data for precipitation, temperatures, daily mean wind speed, daily maximum wind speed, relative humidity, and cloud cover. This dataset is used for the multi-variable case study of Experiment 1a. 
    * (23/12/2015)
    Set of 53 stations from ECA in Germany with daily data for precipitation and temperatures. This dataset is used for the spatial validation case study of Experiment 1a.  
  2. ERA-Interim (0.75º) gridded data for the gridboxed closes to the local stations. These datasets are provided to facilitate the contribution of bias correction methods to the VALUE Experiments. It contains daily time series from ERA-Interim reanalysis of the same varaibles included in the corresponding ECA datasets at the (0.75º) gridboxes closest to the target stations.: 
    * (27/11/2015):
    * (03/02/2016):
    * (03/02/2016):
  3. E-OBS gridded observations for the (0.22º) gridboxes closest to the 86 locations. This dataset contains daily time series for precipitation, minimum, mean and maximum temperatures and is used for Experiment 1b. See the Info.txt file in the datset for further details.
    * (31/8/2015):
  4. KNMI-RACMO (0.11º) gridded ERAInterim-driven simulations for the gridboxes closest to the 86 locationsThis dataset is provided to facilitate the contribution of bias correction methods to the VALUE experiments. It contains daily time series for precipitation, minimum, mean and maximum temperatures at the gridboxes closest to the target stations.  See the Info.txt file in the datset for further details.
    * (31/8/2015):

The following datasets are NetCDF files (each of the zip files linked below contains the netCDF files for the 20 predictors considered):

  1. NEW (01/01/2021) ERA-Interim (daily means at 2º trimmed to the European domain).  A standard pre-selection of common predictors is available for download for the period 1979-2008 [450 MB]
  2. NEW (01/01/2021) CMIP5 EC-Earth r12i1p1 (daily means at 2º trimmed to the European domain). The above selection of predictors is available for the periods: 
        - 1986-2005 (historical scenario) [300 MB]
        - 2041-2100 (RCP8.5 scenario) [900 MB]
VALUE_RACMO011_86_v2.zip10.44 MB
VALUE_EOBS_86_v2.zip6.42 MB
VALUE_ERA_INTERIM075_86_v2.zip11.5 MB
VALUE_ECA_53_Germany_spatial_v1.zip3.46 MB
VALUE_ERA_INTERIM075_53_Germany_spatial_v1.zip6.95 MB
VALUE_ERA_INTERIM075_12_Germany_multivar_v1.zip3.12 MB
VALUE_ERA_INTERIM075_53_Germany_spatial_v1.zip6.95 MB
VALUE_ECA_12_Germany_multivar_v2.zip1.44 MB